If Someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him" Are you ready to create a balanced, thriving home atmosphere? Unfortunately, factors affecting personal well-being are largely ignored or given low priority in the work force, in training, as well as, in the media. Schools. too, are guilty of ignoring life balance and personal needs as something that's not worth pursuing or paying much attention. The factors affecting our work/life balance and happiness are different for each of us -- relative to age or stage of life, personality or genetic factors, beliefs we've grown up with, and life experiences. The fast pace of the world, especially living in the age of technology -- with internet, iPhones, tablets -- where information is instantaneous, is constantly calling for us to be available at all times, keeping us on high alert. Due to the nature of how things seem, there's barely any time, especially for accurately considering the root issues truly affecting our happiness and life balance.
Our 1st Chakra or Root Chakra - reminds us all that we have a right to be here (on Earth, in 3D existence) and when we are in tune with our spirituality and are also conscious, we know that all of our needs are met and this knowledge and understanding grounds us. The Root Chakra grounds us more than physically, it keeps us temporarily in the present moment.
FEAR CAUSES THE 1st CHAKRA to GET OUT of ALIGNMENT When we see with only our physical eyes. keeping them so firmly fixed exteriorly on the external world, we rarely see what's actually going on behind the scenes. Seeing interiorly means perceiving the truth of things. It's about getting to the bottom of things, seeing honestly -- assessing what's really going on. Getting in touch with our root issues is not easy. We avoid seeing the truth because it can put our life into a state of chaos. We may realize that we have to make necessary changes. We might disappoint people, especially those we love. Jumping off the cliff always looks scarier than it actually is. It's just taking that first leap, but once we jump (and the bungee cord doesn't snap) that we realize we want to jump again and again. Getting to the root of things means examining core values, exploring mistaken beliefs, recognizing and becoming aware of our true worth, value, and purpose. Examining our Why. Why? So we can cut the cord and stop living safely but miserably, so we can stop making excuses and finally step into living by appreciating and loving our true Self. . . for creating a life that's balanced and happy, as well as, manageable and achievable.
Think about whether your life can be happier or more well balanced. If so, consider what kind of person you are. What are some of the factors making you unhappy or feeling stressed?
What can you do to make change? Time management, managing your environment (home/work), managing other peoples' expectations and demands -- are challenges that can prevent us from constructing our own approach to life. But with the courage to purge and let go of what's not working in life allows us to improve our "home" health by creating an effective action plan and making changes that will work. Change requires daily work. An effective action plan is one where: . . . action stems from true inner desire . . . intrinsic motivation steps us into living passionately, authentically . . . frees up the self to feel lighter . . . feel more eager to greet life. with ease and greater flow . . . feel ready to take flight . . . want to stick with your plan and SOAR. Changing habits takes determination:
Creating a healthy, balanced home atmosphere requires forming a clear intention or vision to create the framework or foundation for asking the right questions -- questions that allow pondering --preparing for exploration. -- Asking questions brings about awareness of basic physical needs. Awareness brings focused intentionality for striving purposefully towards achieving what it is we're looking for. Are you prepared to ask yourself some tough questions? -- to examine truth -- to search WHY -- Are you ready to dare to do what's in your heart, to reveal the truth that lies deeply at your root or at core of your "home." I. Your first loving task is to DECLUTTER (your mind and your physical space) Use a special journal to record notes as you explore your feelings and thoughts related to your ROOT CHAKRA: Known as the seat for raw energy, known as Kundalini, the Muladhara chakra is the first of seven chakras located at the base of the spine. It governs the functioning of the lower part of the body, including the bladder, kidneys, lower spine and back. Psychologically, it governs confidence and survival instincts, like “fight or flight.” Red is the widely accepted chakra color associated with the root chakra. According to energy healers, the root chakra may also be associated with the colors brown, black, and gray. STEP 1- Is all about getting to the ROOT or underlying reasons that are keeping us feeling stuck or imbalanced. The Root Chakra is our "foundation," our survival instincts. Our First Chakra is formed from the moment of conception until one year of age. The root chakra pertains to the creation of the physical body, our growth and the need to survive, dependency on others for survival, and anchors us into the physical world. We need to feel grounded and safe in order to successfully grow and pass successfully on to each subsequent chakra. We cannot fully enjoy leisure or feel gratification or safely explore our existence if we are not anchored and grounded, Questions to ponder and explore regarding root issues:
Questions to become aware of your basic physical survival needs?
Now, think about anything you can do to support fulfilling your basic survival needs. Write them down in your journal. II. Identify Your Personal Needs (or basic survival needs). Personal Needs must be met in order to be at your best; they are critical in order to thrive. As important as Personal Needs are, few of us are aware of them; as a result we generally go about meeting our needs unconsciously, often in ways that are at odds with living a fulfilling life. Ponder your Personal Needs to discover healthy ways to meet them to gain a sense of ease, so life can flow with healthy rhythm and balance. Personal needs are critical to thrive and to live a life you love: • they are neither good nor bad • they can be met in positive or negative ways relative to your desired results Think of Personal Needs as the underlying experience, or feeling, you are attempting to create through your actions. Identifying an underlying experience or feelings that drive action can help us to CHANGE what we doing so we can heal and move on. Some examples of Personal Needs include: ___ Acceptance ___Accomplishment ___Acknowledgement ___Adventure ___Attention ___Autonomy ___Challenge ___Connection ___Contribution ___Control ___Creativity ___Discovery ___Drama ___Excitement ___Freedom ___Harmony ___Importance ___Independence ___Influence ___Intellectual ___Stimulation ___Intensity ___Intimacy ___Power ___Recognition ___Simplicity ___Safety This list is by no means exhaustive, but is intended to provide examples as a starting point to begin identifying similar (or different) words that accurately describe your Personal Needs. Identify Personal Needs that resonant with you --feel free to add any additional needs of your own. Once you've identified Personal Needs, begin noticing, simply paying attention and observing, where and how these needs show up in your life -- in your relationships, in your physical home as well as in your physical body. Keeping a journal with help you to integrate how you're feeling. What words below, upon first glance, make you feel happy or balanced? Circle or write down the words that make feel in alignment: diet friends reputation work fitness family /kids finance hobby health boss home outdoors self-image colleagues stress giving /helping direction animals relaxation creativity laughter travel growth routine thrills nature safety /law numbers sleep words music /dance sport learning challenge systems machines love faith discovery adventure III. Pay Attention To Your Personal Needs and Write Down: - the things in your life that bring you the most joy; identify the related experiences. - the times in your life you have felt most successful; identify related experiences. - the times in your life you have felt least successful; identify related experiences. - the patterns you repeat or the things you do that fail to get the results that you want; identify the experiences you generate through these patterns and how you could generate them in more positive ways. Now Narrow Your List of Personal Needs to your top Four (4): Focus only on those Personal Needs that are most important to YOU. - From the list of experiences, try to identify 8-10 experiences that appear most often - Consider which are NEEDS (i.e. must haves) vs. wants, shoulds, wishes - Carefully consider those needs that you have a strong aversion to; could they be needs that you don’t like or don't want to take ownership of? If they are showing up as negative patterns, they might actually be important Personal Needs. - Select the four (4) Personal Needs that you determine to be MOST important to you IV. Create A Plan: A well-designed plan will help you satisfy your Personal Needs automatically -- at all times, so that they are handled once and for all. - Make a list of activities/actions that will help you meet your Personal Needs in beneficial ways; include the things you do every day as well as periodic activities and new things you could do to meet your needs - Make a list of characteristics and behaviors that help you meet your Personal Needs - Write down ways that other people can help you meet your Personal Needs and include them as determined by you A plan will help you feel grounded. Just as the Root Chakra's main function is embodiment and grounding -- the same is true for our physical environment or home atmosphere. Our home provides us shelter, safety, and grounding, as our root chakra is related to survival, safety, prosperity, and the needs of the physical self. The root is located at the base of the spine. The energy is related to the eliminative system, large intestines, skeletal system, reproductive system, adrenals, weight issues, hips, legs, and feet. When the root chakra is blocked or not functioning optimally, we may experienceproblems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, immune system, depression, autoimmune deficiencies. An Imbalanced Root Chakra Can Look Like: - prone to illness and dislike for your body - survival fears - insecurity - feeling ungrounded - over-emphasis on ego - anger issues - over-emphasis on the physical world (usually due to fear) - overly attached to physical things - lacking awareness or subtlety - lacking imagination, hopes, or dreams - feeling of being "tied down," habituated, doing same routine over and over again - lack of energy and exhaustion - constipation - overworked and stressed - poor circulation - feeling uncomfortable in your body - excessive tension or excitability - continual need for stimulation - depression - releasing emotions inappropriately and excessively; feeling out of control - selfishness - lack of assertiveness - poor motivation; procrastination Review the list above carefully, make note of any symptoms you have had or are currently experiencing. A Healthy Root Chakra: - healthy and happy in your body - a relatively healthy physical body with good vitality - a basic sense of security and safety - feel grounded - the practical side of life functions smoothly Are any of above-mentioned items in line with how you are feeling? If you genuinely want to bring balance and happiness into your life, you will. Let's work together to create an inviting home atmosphere that will make you feel renewed and to create a safe space for living according to your true Self. Your real home will emanate and attract abundance and truth -- shining radiantly through squeaking clean windows, allowing bright rays of love and light to flow freely. Your newly clear, clean space will need consistent attention, mindful maintenance and daily care. When your inner space feels peaceful, calm, and harmonious so too will be your view of the outside.
Here are a few healthy ways to energetically cleanse and renew home health:
1. Scan your physical home. Practice this chakra cleanse to cleanse and activate energy. Scan and search for clutter or energy blockages. Notice any patterns of clutter or habits. Notice the stuff that's sticking around, and ask yourself why? The physical stuff you're holding onto (often subconsciously) is being held within your physical body, creating tension, blocking the flow of energy. Click here for ways to release painful memories and emotions stored in your body. Emotional Pain Chart. 2. Start on the ground or main floor to get grounded -clean from the root. Inspect the basement and crawl space for excessive clutter, junk weighing down your foundation. Move up to the main floor or the floor that gets the most foot traffic or action. The kitchen is a good place to start. it's our source of sustenance and nourishment. Carefully assess your kitchen. Is it clean, organized, in good working order? Pay special attention to plumbing -- in the kitchen and in the bathrooms. Are there leaky faucets or toilets in need of repair? 3. Purge the Clutter. Healthy healing action for the root chakra is to regain healthy order or structure. Start Purging the clutter and organizing what's left: keep only those things that truly make you feel good; only what brings you joy. Start in one specific place -( ie. your clothes closet.) Hold each individual item, take a moment to notice how it makes you feel good. Does it feel good? Does it bring you joy? Is it in line with where you are right now? If so, keep it. If not, toss or donate. 4. Write down any strong feelings about what you see. Take note of what you want to get rid of or what's getting on your nerves. Journaling or making a list is an energetic way of moving energy from your mind and body into your hand and onto the paper; it's like symbolically burning or releasing all the stuff you've been holding. If you truly want to burn and release, take action. Do something about what's on your list. Have a yard sale, call to schedule a donation pick up, or just box it all up and label the contents -- better yet, just close your eyes and throw it out! 5. Stamp or march - get barefoot. As you walk around your home, do so barefoot. Make sure to get outside on the grass. Feel the earth beneath you. This is a great way to get grounded, to feel centered. 6. Belly Breathe. Take long, slow, deep belly breaths. Breathe in deeply - from your nose, deeply from the core. Start by breathing in with a long slow breath on a slow count of 6 - then hold for a count of 6, Release -- exhale for a long slow count of 12. Hold once again at the bottom for a count of 6. Repeat this breathing cycle six to ten times. 7. Just Dance. When you're cleaning, scanning for clutter, or when you've had enough, put down your notebook, crank up some dance tunes and dance! This is the best way to release and ground. Just get moving. Everyday physical movement, from running to completing chores around the house, is a great way to heal your root chakra. The key is to be aware of your body and feel the sensation of movement. Awareness is crucial to healing. 8. Eat Well. Make sure to eat mindfully and healthily. Eating healthy foods can heal your root chakra. This chakra acts as your foundation, your roots, your connection to the physical world. When imbalanced, you may not feel safe in your body and feel stressed. Since this chakra is all about grounding you to the earth, root vegetables are a good choice. Beets, rutabagas, garlic, ginger, turnips, potatoes, and parsnips are just a few of the many options for root veggies. Try them roasted with salt and olive oil for an easy grounding meal that is also delicious! Red foods like apples, pomegranates, tomatoes, strawberries, and cherries correspond with the color of this chakra and can help to recharge your root. Hot Spices like horseradish, paprika, cayenne, pepper will spice up your roots. Eating high protein foods, like red meat, shellfish, and red legumes are important for healthy root chakra functioning. Those under stress and vegetarians may be at most risk of deficiency at the root chakra. 9. Supplement for Root Health. Zinc for our root chakra is necessary for energy metabolism, normal antioxidant defense, normal nerve transmissions, and healthy bones. An imbalance in Zinc can lead to an impaired immune system, stunted growth, and white spots on the finger nails. The benefits of Zinc. Selenium helps with normal antioxidant defense, and protects against heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, balanced blood pressure, and normal blood clotting. Cooper is also needed for normal blood cell formation, normal energy metabolism, normal bone growth, antioxidant defense, healthy immune system, healthy veins and arteries, and a reduced risk of heart disease. Chromium, B6, Folate, B12, Co-Enzyme Q10, and Vitamin D, and B1, B2, and B3 are all essential for optimal root functioning. 10. Soak in a warm epsom salt bath, sprinkle in some coconut oil and essential oil. An epsom salt bath with 10-15 drops of essential oils added to the water is wonderful and energy cleansing. 11. Diffuse pleasing smells. Use doTerra essential oils for aromatherapy. Grounding scents include: cedarwood, clove, cypress, frankincense, patchouli, vetivert, clary sage, geranium, rose, melissa, sandalwood, and ylang ylang. Try rubbing the oils on your feet, or putting a few drops into your hands and cupping your nose- breathe in the scent. 12. Wear Crystal Gemstones. Since prehistoric times, humans have been attracted to gemstones for their beauty, as well as their powers of attraction, energy, healing and protection. In various cultures throughout time, numerous gemstones have been believed to bring their wearers many powers, such as the power of protection, as well as healing and success. Wear them or place them around your home, wherever you need grounding. Grounding stones include: black star sapphire, carnelian, clear quartz, garnet, hematite, obsidian, red jade, red jasper, ruby, and smoky quartz. 13. Get With Nature. Garden. Feel the soil. Bring the outside in and fill your home with live green house plants. Pottery and clay can help to allow energy to flow through this chakra. 14. Connect to the Earth and Get Grounded for Physical Health with this Root Chakra Meditation:
16. Shake it off. Rid yourself of daily pent-up tension and trauma. Practice TRE (Tension & Trauma Release Exercises), as an effective therapeutic tool that's easy-to-do and very effective in releasing chronic stress, tension, and trauma from the body. This technique is safe, evoking a gentle shaking or self induced therapeutic tremors (SITT) as a way to self regulate or bring the body back to balance or homeostasis. Animals naturally shake off trauma in the wild.. After a traumatic event, when the threat has passed, they shake and get on with things as usual. Watch this polar bear shake it off. We humans have suppressed this natural shaking mechanism so not to look weak or less than. Consequently, we store this undischarged tension and trauma in our bodies, creating physical and psychological dis'ease. Contact me if you would like to learn more or would like to schedule a private session.
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Juliette GamblePassionate about self-healing and empowering others to take healing into their own hands. Archives
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