Free, HEALTHY Self-Care Techniques
The ACE Quiz shows the impact of childhood trauma on subsequent health issues as an adult. The ACE quiz is extremely relevant in healthcare, schools, and in the community.
SmileBecome a smile millionaire!
Share your smile today. . . "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh Smiling Lifts a Bad Mood Smiling on purpose changes brain chemistry, relaxes the facial muscles, calms the nervous system, and reduces stress. Smiling activates the release of neuropeptides that work toward fighting off stress. Neuropeptides are tiny molecules that allow neurons to communicate. They facilitate messaging to the whole body when we are happy, sad, angry, depressed, excited. The feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released when a smile flashes across your face as well. This not only relaxes your body, but it can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. |
Positive ThinkingIntentional, positive thinking raises energy, fills us with love and light. A higher vibration alerts the world to invite positivity and rewards us by sending abundance our way.
“Today I breathe in love, light, and positivity to nurture and heal my mind, body and soul. With each exhalation, I blow out negativity, sending out all of my fears and worries. Today I am open; I smile and laugh. I am grateful, full of beautiful blessings. The universe supports and energizes everything I do.” Pick a phrase or mantra, "All is well," "I am in perfect health," "As I forgive myself, it is easier to forgive others," “Everyday in every way I am stronger and stronger.” Pick a mantra and recite it often. Go for a brisk walk and breathe in deeply, exhale and say your mantra. Doing this for just five (5) minutes will shift your mind, body and spirit. Intend, visualize, and bring about the magic. Paint your picture. Write your story. Sing your song. Dance your dance. There is abundance for all. No one wants exactly the same things. What is important to you is not important to all. more Make a vision board. Postive Affirmations |
Conscious BreathingYour breath is your friend. Your breath, in conjunction with positive, loving thoughts, will nurture you like nothing else. The breath relaxes and syncs the mind with the heart. A calm mind, along with a centered, relaxed body can do amazing things.
A calm mind and an open heart, together, can create miraculous, healing change. See each breath as a gift. Allow your breath to calm and ground you. Feel anchored in your truth. Feel calm to be fully present, for yourself & for others. Practice box breathing. Learn how to feel from the core – Breathe in gratitude, breathe out negativity. Cultivate joy, bliss & gratitude. Breathing Exercises more |
Open HeartOur inner heart holds the key to everything . . . our thinking, our attitudes, beliefs, thoughts and overall mind, body, soul well-being.
Consulting your heart can help you feel your way back on the right track. Spend quiet moments each day breathing in stillness, communing with nature, just listening with your heart . . .OPEN YOUR HEART more |
Sound HealingGood Vibrations. The idea that sound affects the health of the mind and body is not new. ... Using the human voice and objects that resonate to stimulate healing (tuning forks, singing bowls, the gong), is called sound therapy and it is one of a growing number of subtle-energy therapies that make up the field of vibrational medicine.
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AromatherapyEssential oils are both exciting and promising when it comes to taking care of your own and your family’s health. Whether you’re applying essential oils topically, enjoying the aromatic benefits through diffusing, or taking essential oils internally, the positive effects of essential oils are boundless.
That’s why you’ll want to ensure that the essential oils you are using are capable of delivering on their promise. You’ll want to make sure that you are choosing essential oils for their potency and their purity. more |
JournalToday is the day to do true work, to write from your heart and express your deepest desires. Today is the day to write a new script for life -- Write it with your heart.
Buy a beautiful journal. Put your thoughts onto paper. Tell the truth. Be Intentional. |
MoveJohn Locke said, “A sound mind in a sound body, is a short, but full description of a Happy state in this world: he that has these two, has little more to wish for; and he that wants either of them, will be little better for anything else."
What's good for your body is good for your mind, and what's good for your heart is good for your brain. Daily habits that maintain—or improve—your physical health do the same for your mental health. Moving your body not only improves cardiovascular health, it improves cerebrovascular health. A wide range of recent studies have found that exercise improves brain function, structure, and connectivity. These brain improvements are directly linked to improved learning, memory, and cognitive function. Physical activity has also been proven to be an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, and a wide range of other psychological maladies. Exercise is medicine. In many cases, aerobic activity, strength training, yoga and mindfulness can be more effective than pharmaceutical treatments. |
SingUse your voice. Hum. Sing. Open your throat chakra, release whatever you're holding back. Better yet, walk and hum. Sound and movement are a powerful release, a guaranteed mood lifter.
Spiritual sound vibrations or meditation upon the word of God is most powerful. Put your ego aside and chant aloud. For to sing out loud is the way to call upon spirit. To call back your true nature, unabashed and assured. For when you are ready, spirit will arrive. Sing now. Sing loudly with your whole heart and soul. Sing to bring joy to others, to unite others in joyful brotherhood, to ease the suffering, to forget the woes of this earth and to regain hope and to instill faith in eternal life. HUM |
Connect & ServeGive time, smiles, flowers, letters, encouragement . . . This is the secret to stamina. Connection is the best medicine, the best book ever read, and it's free . . .
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PlaySpend time playing in nature, for making space, for seeing the beauty, for feeling the simplicity -- Space is a gift -- time for healing.
Relax, love. Breathe fresh air. Walk. Play. Be silly. Laugh. Enjoy time on earth. Respond to each circumstance lovingly and with joy to help and to serve others. Move your body at least 10 minutes a day. Get your blood pumping, flowing. Movement brings us alive. Intentionally Create a safe space (physically, mentally, emotionally). Use this space to take care of yourself . . . Meditate, listen to music, go outdoors into nature and play. Use this time to practice feeling, to process your thoughts, and to return to balance -- back to your true nature. Find joyful expression. |
MeditateMindfulness can help you begin living, begin being what you truly desire in the HERE & NOW.
Stilling the mind through meditation is the gateway to all of our power. With persistent practice, meditation will take you within to hear your inner voice, to discover your inner jewels. Meditation brings blissful joy that can only be experienced first-hand. Meditation is the way to see the Light. Meditation is simply reminding yourself again and again that you are not the limited body, but Infinite Spirit. more |
PrayPrayer is for you, for prayer can be healing. For finding those words can help reveal the nature of your story, for it is through words that you have created a sense of life, a sense of who you are.
As Faith grows, Now let the words go. Simply reflect with your heart, in deliberate devotion – reserve quiet time in stillness – with sincere conscientious effort – for digging deeply – for searching your heart for truth. more |
Eat WellFortunately, eating a diet based on whole plant foods can significantly reduce inflammation and its negative side effects. Simply increasing your fruit intake to 2-3 servings per day and your vegetable intake to 8-12 servings per day can help fight inflammation, increase energy, and get you looking and feeling brighter.
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Accept What IsAccept that you have choice. You can choose.
Stand up, raise your standard. Refuse to tolerate. Live life on your terms. Have daily vision. You have the gift to choose: a new career, new love, to grow a garden . . . No resistance. No fight. Use your time and your energy wisely, to connect with Source, to ground and to be . . . available in each moment -- to offer grace, presence, love, compassion, understanding, hope, strength. For others to see who they are through you. more |
LaughLaughter is a healer -- it's the sound of the heart -- the way to release energy and connects us with the heart.
Laughter, kinship, jollity . . . celebration is necessary for the soul as we desire companionship, communication, and kinship. Joy is soulful expression. Find what you love. |
Notice, Become AwareAwareness of reactions provides invaluable insight for growth. No one or no thing can make us feel good or badly; reactions are ours to own.
Learn how to hover over your thoughts, emotions, and reactions. Before reacting, learn how to sit with your feelings, allow them to settle. Be with your anger. Breathe. Sit with your pain. Feel the fear. Allow it in order to overcome it. Become aware of your bad habits. Decide to start anew. What's keeping you addicted to your patterns of behavior? Identify what you're saying to yourself and what you are doing. What is the identity you have created? How are you living to conform to this identity? Notice your posture (slumped or straight), your facial muscles (tight or loose), your breathing (shallow or deep). Pay attention. Notice what you're eating. Notice how you are feeling. Simply notice. more |
Be GratefulFind little gratitudes to find your way back to balance.
It takes intentional effort to want to slow down and to feel good. You must want it. To change neural pathways in the brain, we must reprogram our thoughts, essentially, to cleanse or purify the brain. For Thy precious gifts surround you and fill you with love, with all that you need. Just open your eyes. To the wonder. Feel the breeze. Hear the birds chirping. The world is so bright, so full of awe. So deliciously full of miracles. Just open your eyes. Open your heart. Breathe it all in. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Broaden your gratitude circle. Spend at least 10 minutes a day in gratitude. Start with feeling gratitude for yourself, your spouse, your children, for the life living within all . . . and begin to send that love and gratitude out into the world. Wake up with the habit of counting your blessings. Go to bed feeling full and give thanks. Practice seeing the good, feeling the joy, step-by-step, one month, one week, one hour, one minute, one moment at a time . . . until it just is -- Oneness. |
Shake Stress Naturally with TREIf you can find safe space to quietly shake off the world, you can find simple joy.
Life is simple. Life is joyful. Life can be experienced consciously in spirit. You can find inner peace. You can change your physical state to change your emotional state. But first you might need to Shake it up with TRE® (tension & trauma releasing exercises). Our body has a lot to tell us. Over time we inherit a lot of negativity which takes a hold on us. Our beliefs clog us up and get in the way of creating a happy, healthy attitude. Failing to listen to our bodies and to our feelings -- neglecting to monitor our thoughts -keeps our energy split, causing us to turn away from our inner being's longing to feel happy. Today, listen to your body. Eat only when hungry. Drink when thirsty. Notice your heart rate, be aware of your surroundings, practice being more aware of whether another's negative thinking or action is affecting you negatively. Self-regulation teaches you how to notice what you're feeling so you can act to change the situation. more |
Commit to Simple RitualsRituals equal results. Do something, the same thing each day. Go for a walk first thing in the morning. Breathe and give thanks before jumping out of bed. Write what you're grateful for (just 3 things) each night before going to bed. Wake up and greet the day, say “thank you.” Ask for guidance and receive.
Replace bad habits with rituals. Cultivate beauty. Place fresh flowers around the house, play soft spa music, diffuse pure grade doTERRA essential oils, smile, compliment someone each day (especially your spouse and your children), play with your dog, take a bath . . . Learn More |
Relaxation & VisualizationRelease all negative energy -- all that's tying us to feeling badly, unworthy, unloveable, and incapable. Release negative attachments (thoughts, feelings, people, chemicals). Visually cut the cords that are energetically draining.
Imagine or visualize white light surrounding you. Close your eyes and allow that light to enter from the top of your head . . . let it envelope and protect you . . . give it your fears. Let the light carry away your fears. Imagine your fears being carried away on angel wings. Consciously affirm: "I choose to detach from all past life energy binding me to a life of lack, impoverishment, and suffering. I choose to live positively now, trusting myself, with courage to listen to and follow my heart's desire." You have all the power to CREATE WHAT YOU WANT. more |