Sound Provides Relief
Music and VibroAcoustics combined profoundly bring clients into a deep state of peacefulness and stillness. Once surrendered into this ideal state, complementary therapies are enhanced (massage, chiropractic, cognitive therapy, EMDR, etc.)
There are over a dozen research projects on VibroAcoustic therapies alone.
Ongoing International studies attest to the effectiveness as an intervention for clinical populations in the treatment of:
There is nothing better for Relaxation and Stress Reduction than the Sound Lounge/Table. Sound and music with consistent low frequencies dramatically lower heart and respiration rates and blood pressure to reduce stress and oxygen consumption. Not only do the low frequencies entrain the body into a coherent peaceful state, but the music with the binaural beats also lull a person into a deep state of relaxation. If you have anything going on emotionally, simply spend 10 minutes on the lounge/table and it will not only be gone mentally/emotionally, but will also be gone physically out of your body.
The consistent peaceful vibrations easily overcome any anxiety, no matter how strong. The lounges have been used with over 4000 first responders and have been proven to overcome severe anxiety. However, if someone is really sensitive, fragile or subject to having panic attacks then the vibration could be too much. Always test the amount of vibration and volume in the room or headphones when working with someone that is really sensitive.
Ed Rupert uses the Sound Lounge for First Responders who are in crisis in Colorado. Ed has contracts with over 75% of the Police and Fire Stations in Colorado. If anyone has a crisis (like about to commit suicide) Ed brings the Sound Lounge out in a van and puts them on it. He has now saved 150 lives in the last year. Because of this, the lounges are now being placed in over 75 ER units throughout Colorado.
One of our students at The Sound Healing Institute is using the Sound Lounge for PTSD treatments in the VA hospital in Sacramento, California and has had practically a 100% success rate in dramatically transforming the PTSD.
There are a few research papers on the subject. Three of our previous students have used a variety of sound healing treatments, including Sound Tables/Lounges, and now no longer have fibromyalgia.
Music has been proven to enhance intelligence, learning and IQ, reading and literacy skills, spatial-temporal reasoning, mathematical abilities, emotional intelligence, memory performance, concentration and attention. Tuning the music to a person’s natural brainwave rhythms when they are at rest makes the brainwave entrainment even more effective.
The number one thing that boosts the immune system is being at peace. Being at peace physically, mentally, emotionally and even Spiritually is the very best for maximizing the immune response. This allows for all organs to come back into alignment.
Brain injuries create chaotic rhythms across the brain. Tuning the music and Binaural Beat brainwave rhythms to the natural rhythm of the person’s brain’s before the injury has been incredibly effective in getting the brain back to its own natural healthy consistent rhythm — dramatically increasing recovery time. Doing a Brainwave Assessment then playing music on the Sound Lounge/Table for each of the brainwave states of Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma tuned to the person is one of the best ways to get the person back to where they can focus and enjoy smooth flow of energy through the brain.
The Sound Therapy Center has had amazing results just by putting individuals on the Sound Lounge/Table who have had strokes.
The Sound Lounge/Table is the best for restoring flow through the whole nervous system and brain. Music tuned to you is the best way to get the brain back into its natural, consistent rhythm.
There are two main ways to work with pain. One is to get a person blissed out so they forget about the pain. Doing this also creates endorphins in the brain, which actually do reduce the pain. The Sound Lounge/Table is the best at bringing a person into a relaxed blissful state with the music and vibration combination.
Brainwave states of Alpha have also been shown to help reduce pain. Using Brainwave CD’s tuned to the person are even more helpful. This technique has been used by dentists for years, and is now becoming quite common before, during and after surgery.
Second, is to play frequencies directly on the body to resonate that specific part of the body into its natural healthy state. This is not just distraction, this is actually regeneration (See more info below on using the Bass Pod/Belt with the Cymatic Frequencies).
Using both methods is an extremely effective protocol for pain management. So much so that several graduates from the Sound Healing Institute have now set up Pain Management Centers using the Sound Lounge/Table and the Bass Pod/Belt.
In one study on Sound Lounges, they measured the physiological and behavioral effectiveness of these interventions with 272 patients and found over 50% reduction of pain and symptoms. A study at Duke University Medical Center also reported significant pain reduction for 20 women who had surgery for various cancers. Also at Duke, patients who received vibroacoustic physical therapy following total knee replacements showed increased range of motion.
There are many research projects (particularly those by Jeffrey Thompson) that show the effectiveness of using Binaural Beats within the range of .5 to 4 hertz to entrain the brain into Delta for sleep — particularly when the Binaural Beats are tuned to you by doing a brainwave assessment. Besides using the music and VibroAcoustics before bedtime, the research also shows that by reducing the amount of stress in the body and mind throughout the day, the body is better able to drop into deep sleep at night.
The Sound Healing Research Foundation did research with 12 Parkinson’s patients using VibroAcoustic Therapy. Symptoms were reduced on average by 75%. While it is not a cure for Parkinson’s, it was found that those that purchased the lounge were able to sleep better at night and get off of their medications. Vibrating the body with sound is especially effective for any muscular or neurological issues.
Alertness and Focus
The ideal state for sports is Body Relaxed, Mind Awake. The research of Alfred Tomatis shows that low frequencies calm the body and high frequencies activate the mind. Therefore, having lows vibrations on the body with Sound Lounge/Table and high frequencies in the speakers/headphones is ideal for sports preparation.
Also, Binaural Beats within the Alpha range (7-12 hertz) stimulate the brain into activity — particularly when tuned to the person.
If there is an injury, the Sound Lounge’s consistent vibrations will help overcome the chaotic vibration of the injury, and the music helps relax the mind so the fastest possible healing can take place.
However, the most effective treatment for injury is to use the Cymatic Frequency CDs with the Bass Pod/Belt placed on the affected area (if not too sensitive). The effectiveness is profound for not only overcoming pain, but also resonating that part of the body back into its healthy state before the injury happened.
Cymatic Frequencies played directly on the affected area (if not too sensitive) are shockingly effective. So much so that Kaiser Hospital commonly refers patients to us for pain management. There are so many miraculous stories.
One person couldn’t walk after getting a massage on the lower back. After 15 minutes using the Bass Belt strapped on the lower back, all pain was gone and never came back.
Another had whiplash and had been experiencing pain nonstop between 7 and 9 (on a scale of 1-10) for over two years. After 20 minutes with the Bass Pod, his pain was down to 2 for the first time since the accident.
Receiving Love and Connecting to Spirit
Facilitating inner peace, balance, well-being, spiritual awareness, interconnectedness and a feeling of oneness with fellow humans and nature. Facilitating inner peace, balance, well-being, and spiritual awareness. Certain sounds and music have been shown to more consistently evoke such feelings, as shown by research.
The Sound Lounge Center and any of its products do not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional. The Therapy Center information and offerings have not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization — including the FDA. We can legally say the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. There is ample research showing the effectiveness of the techniques and we have quoted them where appropriate.
Music and VibroAcoustics combined profoundly bring clients into a deep state of peacefulness and stillness. Once surrendered into this ideal state, complementary therapies are enhanced (massage, chiropractic, cognitive therapy, EMDR, etc.)
There are over a dozen research projects on VibroAcoustic therapies alone.
Ongoing International studies attest to the effectiveness as an intervention for clinical populations in the treatment of:
- cancer
- cardiovascular disease
- hypertension
- migraine headaches
- gastrointestinal ulcers
- Raynaud’s disease
- Parkinson’s
- fibromyalgia
- polyarthritis
- sports injury
- low back pain
- neck and shoulder pain
- autism
- insomnia
- depression
- anxiety disorders
There is nothing better for Relaxation and Stress Reduction than the Sound Lounge/Table. Sound and music with consistent low frequencies dramatically lower heart and respiration rates and blood pressure to reduce stress and oxygen consumption. Not only do the low frequencies entrain the body into a coherent peaceful state, but the music with the binaural beats also lull a person into a deep state of relaxation. If you have anything going on emotionally, simply spend 10 minutes on the lounge/table and it will not only be gone mentally/emotionally, but will also be gone physically out of your body.
The consistent peaceful vibrations easily overcome any anxiety, no matter how strong. The lounges have been used with over 4000 first responders and have been proven to overcome severe anxiety. However, if someone is really sensitive, fragile or subject to having panic attacks then the vibration could be too much. Always test the amount of vibration and volume in the room or headphones when working with someone that is really sensitive.
Ed Rupert uses the Sound Lounge for First Responders who are in crisis in Colorado. Ed has contracts with over 75% of the Police and Fire Stations in Colorado. If anyone has a crisis (like about to commit suicide) Ed brings the Sound Lounge out in a van and puts them on it. He has now saved 150 lives in the last year. Because of this, the lounges are now being placed in over 75 ER units throughout Colorado.
One of our students at The Sound Healing Institute is using the Sound Lounge for PTSD treatments in the VA hospital in Sacramento, California and has had practically a 100% success rate in dramatically transforming the PTSD.
There are a few research papers on the subject. Three of our previous students have used a variety of sound healing treatments, including Sound Tables/Lounges, and now no longer have fibromyalgia.
Music has been proven to enhance intelligence, learning and IQ, reading and literacy skills, spatial-temporal reasoning, mathematical abilities, emotional intelligence, memory performance, concentration and attention. Tuning the music to a person’s natural brainwave rhythms when they are at rest makes the brainwave entrainment even more effective.
The number one thing that boosts the immune system is being at peace. Being at peace physically, mentally, emotionally and even Spiritually is the very best for maximizing the immune response. This allows for all organs to come back into alignment.
Brain injuries create chaotic rhythms across the brain. Tuning the music and Binaural Beat brainwave rhythms to the natural rhythm of the person’s brain’s before the injury has been incredibly effective in getting the brain back to its own natural healthy consistent rhythm — dramatically increasing recovery time. Doing a Brainwave Assessment then playing music on the Sound Lounge/Table for each of the brainwave states of Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma tuned to the person is one of the best ways to get the person back to where they can focus and enjoy smooth flow of energy through the brain.
The Sound Therapy Center has had amazing results just by putting individuals on the Sound Lounge/Table who have had strokes.
The Sound Lounge/Table is the best for restoring flow through the whole nervous system and brain. Music tuned to you is the best way to get the brain back into its natural, consistent rhythm.
There are two main ways to work with pain. One is to get a person blissed out so they forget about the pain. Doing this also creates endorphins in the brain, which actually do reduce the pain. The Sound Lounge/Table is the best at bringing a person into a relaxed blissful state with the music and vibration combination.
Brainwave states of Alpha have also been shown to help reduce pain. Using Brainwave CD’s tuned to the person are even more helpful. This technique has been used by dentists for years, and is now becoming quite common before, during and after surgery.
Second, is to play frequencies directly on the body to resonate that specific part of the body into its natural healthy state. This is not just distraction, this is actually regeneration (See more info below on using the Bass Pod/Belt with the Cymatic Frequencies).
Using both methods is an extremely effective protocol for pain management. So much so that several graduates from the Sound Healing Institute have now set up Pain Management Centers using the Sound Lounge/Table and the Bass Pod/Belt.
In one study on Sound Lounges, they measured the physiological and behavioral effectiveness of these interventions with 272 patients and found over 50% reduction of pain and symptoms. A study at Duke University Medical Center also reported significant pain reduction for 20 women who had surgery for various cancers. Also at Duke, patients who received vibroacoustic physical therapy following total knee replacements showed increased range of motion.
There are many research projects (particularly those by Jeffrey Thompson) that show the effectiveness of using Binaural Beats within the range of .5 to 4 hertz to entrain the brain into Delta for sleep — particularly when the Binaural Beats are tuned to you by doing a brainwave assessment. Besides using the music and VibroAcoustics before bedtime, the research also shows that by reducing the amount of stress in the body and mind throughout the day, the body is better able to drop into deep sleep at night.
The Sound Healing Research Foundation did research with 12 Parkinson’s patients using VibroAcoustic Therapy. Symptoms were reduced on average by 75%. While it is not a cure for Parkinson’s, it was found that those that purchased the lounge were able to sleep better at night and get off of their medications. Vibrating the body with sound is especially effective for any muscular or neurological issues.
Alertness and Focus
The ideal state for sports is Body Relaxed, Mind Awake. The research of Alfred Tomatis shows that low frequencies calm the body and high frequencies activate the mind. Therefore, having lows vibrations on the body with Sound Lounge/Table and high frequencies in the speakers/headphones is ideal for sports preparation.
Also, Binaural Beats within the Alpha range (7-12 hertz) stimulate the brain into activity — particularly when tuned to the person.
If there is an injury, the Sound Lounge’s consistent vibrations will help overcome the chaotic vibration of the injury, and the music helps relax the mind so the fastest possible healing can take place.
However, the most effective treatment for injury is to use the Cymatic Frequency CDs with the Bass Pod/Belt placed on the affected area (if not too sensitive). The effectiveness is profound for not only overcoming pain, but also resonating that part of the body back into its healthy state before the injury happened.
Cymatic Frequencies played directly on the affected area (if not too sensitive) are shockingly effective. So much so that Kaiser Hospital commonly refers patients to us for pain management. There are so many miraculous stories.
One person couldn’t walk after getting a massage on the lower back. After 15 minutes using the Bass Belt strapped on the lower back, all pain was gone and never came back.
Another had whiplash and had been experiencing pain nonstop between 7 and 9 (on a scale of 1-10) for over two years. After 20 minutes with the Bass Pod, his pain was down to 2 for the first time since the accident.
Receiving Love and Connecting to Spirit
Facilitating inner peace, balance, well-being, spiritual awareness, interconnectedness and a feeling of oneness with fellow humans and nature. Facilitating inner peace, balance, well-being, and spiritual awareness. Certain sounds and music have been shown to more consistently evoke such feelings, as shown by research.
The Sound Lounge Center and any of its products do not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional. The Therapy Center information and offerings have not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization — including the FDA. We can legally say the treatments do provide relaxation and stress relief, which has been shown to be a contributor to most issues emotionally and physically. There is ample research showing the effectiveness of the techniques and we have quoted them where appropriate.
Clinical research from around the world has shown a myriad of positive effects from Sound and Music coupled with VibroAcoustics.
National Institute of Health
Ongoing since 1995, the National Institutes of Health runs the most extensive program in the U.S. for vibroacoustic pain and symptom reduction, treating over 50,000 patients per year. In one study, Dr. George Patrick measured the physiological and behavioral effectiveness of these interventions with 272 patients and found over 50% experienced a reduction of both pain and symptoms. He theorizes that this pain relief is relaxation-induced. Not only that, but he believes that multiple mechanisms of the body may use music/vibration to regain a healthy homeostasis.
According to studies done by George Patrick, PhD, just one sound treatment entrains about a 33 percent increase in perceived relaxation levels and a 54 percent reduction of intensity of pain, tension, fatigue, nausea, headache, and depression.
The study shows a treatment on a sound table provide the following:
• Slowed heart rate
• Reduced oxygen consumption
• Decreased blood pressure
• Slowed respiration rate
• Relaxed muscles
Mentally the study also showed:
• Deep relaxation
• Changed brainwave frequencies (generally slowing down from beta to alpha and alpha to theta or delta)
• Cleared the mind from anxiety
• Created a feeling of calm and peacefulness
As an additional benefit, vibroacoustics can help people learn to recognize the state of relaxation and, over time, become able to reach relaxation at will. Vibroacoustics is a great way to learn how to relax and develop relaxation as a daily habit!
Olav Skille Research
Jupiter Medical Center
Tests with chemotherapy patients at the Jupiter Medical Center in Florida found similar results: 62.8% reduction of anxiety and 61.6% reduction of fatigue for 27 patients in 41 vibroacoustics sessions.
Duke University
A study at Duke University Medical Center also reported significant pain reduction for 20 women who underwent surgery for various cancers. Also at Duke, vibroacoustics was tested in physical therapy sessions following total knee replacements, showing that the tools helped to increase range of motion. Additionally, heart surgeons using vibroacoustics therapy during cardiac surgery recovery found significant decreases in patients’ use of sedative and pain medication, time spent on the ventilator, time spent in the cardiac unit, and overall time spent in the hospital.
Mindful Research Study
Bio Therapy Study
Sound Lounge
57% Reduction in Stress
53% Reduction in Racing Thoughts
56% Reduction in Muscle Tension
52% Reduction in Impulsiveness
47% Reduction in Depression
47% Reduction in Fear
54% Reduction in Body Aches
48% Reduction in Anger
46% Reduction in Cravings
44% Reduction in Headaches
Psychological and Physiological Transformation
Music produces alterations in physiology. Soothing music can produce a response characteristic of relaxation in which autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems are altered. Likewise, it produces desired psychological responses such as reductions in anxiety and fear. Some responses have been linked to effects on the hemispheric functioning of the brain and the limbic system. High psychophysiological stress levels inhibit or block learning. Thus music can be the catalyst to facilitate mental suggestion, and enhance our own learning ability and self-healing capacities. Music is now being used in many areas of medicine including labor and delivery, ICU, CCU, surgery, dentistry, neurology, psychiatry, gerontology, rehabilitation, oncology, pain and stress management, and many others.
International Studies
International studies continue to attest to the effectiveness of VibroAcoustic Therapy as an intervention for clinical populations in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, migraine headaches, gastrointestinal ulcers, Raynaud’s disease, Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia, polyarthritis, sports injury, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, autism, insomnia, depression, and anxiety disorders.
Interviews and Testimonials
Massage therapists have found consistent themes in the use of sound tables in the way they assist in enhancing therapies by encouraging muscles, facial and connective tissues to relax more quickly, consequently increasing the depth and duration of massage effects. They often note a reduction in their physical effort, as the sound table is like having an extra set of hands. In addition, enthusiastic clients have a high return rate, and spread positive word-of-mouth that increases the client base.
Clinical research from around the world has shown a myriad of positive effects from Sound and Music coupled with VibroAcoustics.
National Institute of Health
Ongoing since 1995, the National Institutes of Health runs the most extensive program in the U.S. for vibroacoustic pain and symptom reduction, treating over 50,000 patients per year. In one study, Dr. George Patrick measured the physiological and behavioral effectiveness of these interventions with 272 patients and found over 50% experienced a reduction of both pain and symptoms. He theorizes that this pain relief is relaxation-induced. Not only that, but he believes that multiple mechanisms of the body may use music/vibration to regain a healthy homeostasis.
According to studies done by George Patrick, PhD, just one sound treatment entrains about a 33 percent increase in perceived relaxation levels and a 54 percent reduction of intensity of pain, tension, fatigue, nausea, headache, and depression.
The study shows a treatment on a sound table provide the following:
• Slowed heart rate
• Reduced oxygen consumption
• Decreased blood pressure
• Slowed respiration rate
• Relaxed muscles
Mentally the study also showed:
• Deep relaxation
• Changed brainwave frequencies (generally slowing down from beta to alpha and alpha to theta or delta)
• Cleared the mind from anxiety
• Created a feeling of calm and peacefulness
As an additional benefit, vibroacoustics can help people learn to recognize the state of relaxation and, over time, become able to reach relaxation at will. Vibroacoustics is a great way to learn how to relax and develop relaxation as a daily habit!
Olav Skille Research
- Olav Skille discovered Vibroacoustic Therapy to be beneficial for conditions such as asthma, autism, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, insomnia, pain and Parkinson’s disease, describing the three main areas of effect from Vibroacoustic Therapy as being (1) Spasmolytic and muscle-relaxing effect, (2) Increase in blood flow to the extremities, and (3) Marked but varying effects to the vegetative state.
- In a study performed on 40 patients experiencing lumbar regional pains it was found that, after given a VibroAcoustic Therapy session, 75% of participants experienced a complete dissolution of pain while 10% experienced a significant decrease in it.
- It’s been found that sound bed treatments can lead to a significant decrease in muscle spasms in just about any part of the body. How could you not smile after one?
- In a study that took 32 individuals in the same work space over the course of three months, it was found that after exposing them to VibroAcoustic therapy over the course of three months that there was a 80 percent decrease in anxiety levels.
- Vibracoustic Therapy, more often than not leads to a slowed heart rate and thus an improved heart rate variability (HRV), which is an indicator of stress resilience.
- Vibroacoustic treatments have shown time and time again to increase circulation, which nourishes the cells and organs of the body.
- Vibroacoustic sound therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms of ADD/ADHD in children with profound and multiple learning difficulties as well as in the elderly in long-term residential care.
- Other benefits of Vibroacoustic therapy include blood flow stimulation (making pressure sores and ulcers heal faster), swelling reduction, as well as muscle and back alleviation and joint improvement.
Jupiter Medical Center
Tests with chemotherapy patients at the Jupiter Medical Center in Florida found similar results: 62.8% reduction of anxiety and 61.6% reduction of fatigue for 27 patients in 41 vibroacoustics sessions.
Duke University
A study at Duke University Medical Center also reported significant pain reduction for 20 women who underwent surgery for various cancers. Also at Duke, vibroacoustics was tested in physical therapy sessions following total knee replacements, showing that the tools helped to increase range of motion. Additionally, heart surgeons using vibroacoustics therapy during cardiac surgery recovery found significant decreases in patients’ use of sedative and pain medication, time spent on the ventilator, time spent in the cardiac unit, and overall time spent in the hospital.
Mindful Research Study
- In a study that took 110 participants self-reporting stress levels of 4 or higher on a scale of 0-10 it was found that after spending 25 minutes on a Sound Lounge in a dimly lit room that there was a significant decrease in stress levels, with a majority of the participants saying they would recommend others to use a Sound Lounge.
- The Sound Lounge helps induce a state of deep meditation which provides benefits similar to sleep that lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression; and allow for the onset of creative ideas.
Bio Therapy Study
Sound Lounge
57% Reduction in Stress
53% Reduction in Racing Thoughts
56% Reduction in Muscle Tension
52% Reduction in Impulsiveness
47% Reduction in Depression
47% Reduction in Fear
54% Reduction in Body Aches
48% Reduction in Anger
46% Reduction in Cravings
44% Reduction in Headaches
Psychological and Physiological Transformation
Music produces alterations in physiology. Soothing music can produce a response characteristic of relaxation in which autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems are altered. Likewise, it produces desired psychological responses such as reductions in anxiety and fear. Some responses have been linked to effects on the hemispheric functioning of the brain and the limbic system. High psychophysiological stress levels inhibit or block learning. Thus music can be the catalyst to facilitate mental suggestion, and enhance our own learning ability and self-healing capacities. Music is now being used in many areas of medicine including labor and delivery, ICU, CCU, surgery, dentistry, neurology, psychiatry, gerontology, rehabilitation, oncology, pain and stress management, and many others.
International Studies
International studies continue to attest to the effectiveness of VibroAcoustic Therapy as an intervention for clinical populations in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, migraine headaches, gastrointestinal ulcers, Raynaud’s disease, Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia, polyarthritis, sports injury, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, autism, insomnia, depression, and anxiety disorders.
Interviews and Testimonials
Massage therapists have found consistent themes in the use of sound tables in the way they assist in enhancing therapies by encouraging muscles, facial and connective tissues to relax more quickly, consequently increasing the depth and duration of massage effects. They often note a reduction in their physical effort, as the sound table is like having an extra set of hands. In addition, enthusiastic clients have a high return rate, and spread positive word-of-mouth that increases the client base.